Elon Musk Dogecoin Flow


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The Elon Musk Dogecoin Flow buys and sells Dogecoin whenever Elon Musk tweets about the topic.

Elon Musk Dogecoin Flow

A twitter sensor node is created that listens to Elon Musk’s tweets. Images tweeted by Elon Musk have any viewable words extracted using the ocr image2text node. All of his tweets and any words extracted from images are then checked to see if they contain keywords relevant to Dogecoin using a switch node configured for regex expressions.

If a tweet related to Dogecoin is found, this tweet then undergoes sentiment analysis using the tweet sentiment and tweet emotion nodes.

If the tweet from Elon Musk related to Dogecoin passes the sentiment and emotion filters then Dogecoin is purchased, held for 2 minutes using a delay node and then sold. The trading is managed by two pre-configured create order nodes. Buying and selling amounts and order types are configured here as well as desired exchange.

notificator nodes are configured here to inform user of when a buy or sell order is created by the create order nodes.

For a more thorough analysis, please refer to our blog post Elon Musk Twitter Dogecoin Analysis .


The starter flow provides the basic structure for a finance app. The user however must configure each node in the flow in turn to make it work for their specifications.

Last updated on Sep 15, 2022


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